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Enquiries from Members of the Public

Lucideon is a commercial company, and it aims to serve a wide range of industries for material testing and consultancy. It has Professional Indemnity Insurance, as required by law, to cover for any mistakes that it might make. However, this Insurance does not allow the organization to work directly on behalf of the consumer.

This is because if a member of the public, for whom we have no knowledge of their background, technical experience or expertise, were to receive one of our reports and interpret it incorrectly, because of that lack of expertise, an accident or problem could arise due to this misinterpretation. It is for this reason that we are insured only to work with other companies and organizations.

The only route for us to engage with the public, in a commercial manner, is via the instructions of a solicitor, acting for that member of the public.

We apologise if this causes inconvenience, but we are sure that you can understand our constraints.

In many instances, Citizens Advice Bureaux; Public Health Laboratories of Local/District Councils and/or the Health and Safety Executive Laboratories can provide advice, guidance and support. Their professional arrangements are less restrictive.

Thank you for your understanding.