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L5 - Kiln Firing

Wednesday 21 June 2023
Lucideon HQ, Staffordshire

All saleable items must pass successfully through the firing processes.

This module describes:

  • The reactions which take place in a clay, quartz and feldspar body during the firing process
  • Changes to bodies which occur during firing
  • The firing curve and the key control points
  • Use of pyrometers to measure heat work
  • Features of the different types of kiln
  • Kiln atmosphere
  • Kiln pressure
  • Use of thermocouples
  • Investigating firing problems
  • Maintenance and energy saving.

The practical session will include:

  • The use of a pyrometer (Bullers Rings)
  • Gradient firing trials
  • The use of thermocouples
  • A fault solving exercise.

At the end of the module, you will be able to understand:

  • The principles of the firing process
  • How to control the firing process
  • The firing of ceramic tableware items best practice
  • Maintenance and energy saving best practice.

For more information on this course, please contact Caroline Mullington, Technology Partnership Manager on +44 (0)1782 764422 or

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