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Failure Analysis - Tiles

At Lucideon we perform both extensive testing to predict and reduce failure risks in application and root cause identification analysis of failures if they occur in use.

Failures during the manufacture of tiles can lead to downtime, reduced yields and increased costs, which is why testing and analysis while products are in development is so important.  By working with us you can eliminate sources of possible failure before they happen.

While the root cause of failures, both during manufacture and in use, can often be traced back to the materials you are using, some can also be down to your processing steps.  Our team of ceramic process engineers can analyze your production line, identifying where failures are being caused, and suggest remedial actions so that they don't reoccur.

Our failure analysis and root cause investigation services include:

  • Fracture, fatigue and rupture diagnosis and microstructure investigation
  • Characterization of surfaces and coatings
  • Identification and root cause of contamination
  • Evaluation of process issues and process optimization
  • Chemical, physical, mineralogical and thermal analysis
  • Accelerated performance testing to predict failures
  • 3D-Strain – digital imaging technologies to characterize strains during testing.

For the manufacture of tile products we can provide an analysis, process audit, diagnosis and remediation service to ensure similar faults do not occur again in the future.

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