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Ceramic Tile Testing

With years of experience in testing of finished ceramic tiles and ancillary products (adhesives and grouts), our experts provide: testing of the finished products, benchmarking products against competitors' products or your own newly developed products, and testing of slip resistance.

Testing of Ceramic Floor and Wall Tiles

For product conformity, quality control, safety, performance and legislative reasons, we offer testing of ceramic floor and wall tiles to a wide range of UK, European and International Standards in our UKAS accredited testing laboratory (No. 0013).

Tiles are categorized through their manufacturing process (extruded or pressed), application (floor or wall), water absorption level, and finish (glazed or unglazed).

Specific tests are applicable from the following list described in ISO 10545:

  • Dimensions and surface quality
  • Water absorption
  • Modulus of rupture/breaking strength
  • Impact resistance
  • Deep abrasion
  • Surface abrasion
  • Thermal expansion
  • Thermal shock resistance
  • Moisture expansion
  • Crazing resistance
  • Frost resistance
  • Chemical resistance
  • Stain resistance
  • Metal release for lead and cadmium.

Additionally, Lucideon conducts slip resistance testing by pendulum according to BS 7976 as well as ramp tests according to DIN 51130 and 51097.


CE Marking of Tiles and Tile Adhesives

We are a Notified Body for type testing of tiles and tile adhesives for CE marking against the Construction Products Regulation (CPR).


Testing of Tile Adhesives and Grouts

We provide testing of tile adhesives and grouts to UK and European Standards, in particular the EN 12004 and EN 13888 quality standards.

Tests for adhesives include:

  • Slip
  • Open time
  • Wetting capability
  • Tensile strength
  • Shear test
  • Transverse deformation
  • Strength following freeze-thaw
  • Strength following heat ageing.

Tests for grouts include:

  • Abrasion resistance
  • Compressive strength
  • Flexural strength
  • Shrinkage
  • Water absorption.


All of the tests that Lucideon can conduct on tiles and ancillary products can be utilised to benchmark any applicable product versus any other similar product.  This can be a competitor's product or simply a comparison of your own products.  Benchmarking can used to determine how your product(s) perform verses the market leader, showing strengths or benefits of your product that can be used to market your products effectively or make improvements to overtake the competition.  Benchmarking can also be used to show how new products or developments in products compare to current products.


Lucideon is a Notified Body (NB 1289) under the Construction Products Regulation (EU) 305/2011 for the assessment and verification of construction products. Lucideon maintains impartial procedures for all work performed as a Notified Body to safeguard its independence.

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