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Materials Development - Advanced & Technical Ceramics

Materials are critical to everything you do.  How they perform, interact and age has an impact on your product, its application and longevity.  In the advanced ceramics field, materials often have to perform in high temperature and corrosive conditions.  Work with us to ensure that your materials are fit for application.

We'll work with you to:

  • Select and formulate new technical ceramics materials and/or coatings
  • Develop novel materials for your particular application
  • Evaluate the performance of your material
  • Reduce costs while improving yields
  • Optimize the materials you're currently working with.

Working across a wide range of industries that use advanced ceramics, and with our materials expertise, pilot scale facilities and comprehensive analytical capabilities, we're able to move ideas from lab to pilot to commercial scale quickly.

Technical ceramics must stand up not only to today's demands but also to those of the future.  Let us work with you to make sure your materials perform how you want them to, giving you a competitive edge in the marketplace.

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