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Refractories Training

With extensive experience in the field of refractories, from failure investigations to product and process performance optimization, we deliver refractories training courses to companies worldwide to a varied range of industries including: glass, cement, refractories, petrochemical, iron & steel, lime and incinerator sectors.

The scheduled refractories training modules will take place at our Staffordshire headquarters; however the courses can always be customized and/or given on-site to meet individual business requirements.

Whether you are looking to refresh and update your understanding of refractories, have no prior or a basic knowledge, the modules are also highly beneficial to the more experienced whatever your business function.

The modules are suitable for designers, installers, process leaders, production and manufacturing operatives, maintenance teams, purchasing teams, material scientists or chemical and process engineers, project managers, R&D, quality and laboratory technicians, technical teams, refractory and equipment manufacturers, installers, suppliers, distributors and contractors.

Designed to be interactive, with the use of case studies, our tutor will draw upon his knowledge, skills and experience to provide attendees with the theory behind manufacturing processes. This will include design, materials and testing that can be applied to the everyday challenges faced by industry.

Places are limited to 12 people per module.


Refractories Training Schedule 2023

Date Module Name Module No.
Tuesday 18 April Refractory Materials and Application Areas R1
Wednesday 19 April Understanding Refractory Properties & Links to Performance R2
Thursday 20 April Troubleshooting R3
Tuesday 23 May Refractory Design 101 R4
Wednesday 24 May QC During Refractory Installation R5
Tuesday 17 October Refractory Materials and Application Areas R1
Wednesday 18 October Understanding Refractory Properties & Links to Performance R2

Course Materials

Course notes/workbooks are provided for each module/course. Attendees will also have the opportunity to discuss any technical challenges they may currently be facing.

Course Tutor

Find out about the course tutor below.

Jan Theron - Refractories Specialist
Expertise in: Refractory maintenance management, failure analysis, design evaluation, the use of finite element analysis/modelling (FEA/FEM), and training inspectors, commercial personnel and plant managers.

Each module will run from 9:00am - 4:00pm (approximately).

To find out more about the training courses, please contact Caroline Mullington, Technology Partnership Manager: +44 (0)1782 764422 or

Register Your Interest

You can register your interest for open module(s) or a customized on-site course by completing the form below.

* denotes a required field

Please list modules of interest (module numbers are in the table further up this page)

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  • Register Your Interest

    Online registration of interest form

    ​Sign up here

  • Attendee Quotes


    "The training material provided will be a great tool for me to use in the future"

    "Very well explained"

    "Very useful and enjoyable"

    "Great day"

    "Linking theory to practical situations was very helpful"

    "Very good course and content"

    "Easy to generate discussion and ask questions"

    "A great teacher!"