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R5 - QC During Refractory Installation

Wednesday 24 May 2023
Lucideon HQ, Staffordshire

Do you have a refractory installation scheduled shortly or one planned for the future? If your answer to this question is "yes," our training module will benefit your organization.

Do you have a refractory installation scheduled shortly or one planned for the future? If your answer to this question is "yes" our training module will benefit your organization.

Using theory and case studies, the one day course will help you to plan for your next major refractory installation and the quality control elements that are essential, whether it's a monolithic, castable or brick lining. The module content has been designed to cover all aspects of onsite refractory installation to help you ensure that your new installation is of the highest quality, on schedule and of optimal performance.

Who is the module suitable for?

The module is suitable for those involved in the petrochemical, cement, lime and incinerator industries, but also for refractory installers, suppliers, distributors, contractors, operations and maintenance personnel and project managers. The module can be delivered at the Lucideon headquarters in Stoke-on-Trent or onsite.

For brick and monolithic installations, the module will cover:

  • Qualifying the material (type of testing required, sample sizes, sample frequencies, dealing with non-conformances, material storage)
  • Qualifying the installer (cutting, casting, vibration, brick laying techniques)
  • Qualifying the equipment (type of equipment, condition, quantity)
  • During installation (monitoring, brick supply, installation techniques, dimensional checks, managing the team, material sampling, quality control of anchor welding, approval of form work, weather conditions, risk assessment, removal of shutters and formwork)
  • Dry out & start up procedures
  • Communicating with the production teams.

For more information on this course, please contact Caroline Mullington, Technology Partnership Manager on +44 (0)1782 764422 or

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  • Attendee Quotes


    "The training material provided will be a great tool for me to use in the future"

    "Very well explained"

    "Very useful and enjoyable"

    "Great day"

    "Linking theory to practical situations was very helpful"

    "Very good course and content"

    "Easy to generate discussion and ask questions"

    "A great teacher!"