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R3 - Troubleshooting

Thursday 20 April 2023
Lucideon HQ, Staffordshire

Do you employ the traditional "hammer" method to test for refractory failures? If your answer to this question is "yes," our training module will help you to gain a new perspective on refractory failures.

Module objective: To understand refractory deterioration and failures in-service.

This module will look at issues around:

  • Damage in the service environment
  • Potential issues with refractory castables
  • Interactions between the lining and the shell
  • Interactions between multiple refractory linings and the shell

At the end of the module, you will be able to:

  • How to perform an inspection
  • What to look for during an inspection
  • How to obtain the most relevant samples and information from an inspection

For more information on this course, please contact Caroline Mullington, Technology Partnership Manager on +44 (0)1782 764422 or

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  • Attendee Quotes


    "The training material provided will be a great tool for me to use in the future"

    "Very well explained"

    "Very useful and enjoyable"

    "Great day"

    "Linking theory to practical situations was very helpful"

    "Very good course and content"

    "Easy to generate discussion and ask questions"

    "A great teacher!"