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L20 - Rheology - Fluid Properties Control in Ceramics

Wednesday 13 December 2023
Lucideon HQ, Staffordshire

Understanding the effect of fluid control in ceramics is vital in understanding the interactions between materials, water and chemicals used in the body and glaze preparation processes. By understanding rheology and these relationships, manufactures and suppliers of ceramic materials and products are able to change the characteristics of their ceramic bodies and glazes to optimize performance and production yields.

The module is interactive and will teach attendees the basics of rheology in body slips and glazes that can be applied in everyday factory situations using our combined training approach of learning and practical exercises.

Learning outcomes from the training include:

  • The role and need for rheology in setting up ceramic raw materials, bodies and glazes.
  • Understanding of deflocculants
  • Measurement of rheological properties.

Recommended for ceramics based: process leaders, production and manufacturing operatives, material scientists, process engineers, R&D, quality and laboratory technicians, technical teams – anyone involved in the control and use of glazes, ceramic bodies or water based suspensions.

A basic understanding of body and glaze materials and applications is required.

For more information on this course, please contact Caroline Mullington, Technology Partnership Manager on +44 (0)1782 764422 or


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  • Client Testimonial

    • Bernhard Kerschbaum
    • Chief Executive Officer,
      Rosler Metal Finishing USA, LLC

    Read the Testimonial

  • Attendee Quotes


    "Very good day, highly recommended"

    "Learnt different ways to look at ceramics when problem solving"

    "Really nice and approachable trainer with great knowledge"

    "Excellent overview and introduction to the field"

    "One of the best courses I have attended"

    "Very enjoyable, relaxed and informative"

    "Excellent structure, content and delivery"

    "Another great training day"