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L1 - Understanding Ceramics

Wednesday 22 February 2023
Lucideon HQ, Staffordshire

In order to understand ceramic products you need a knowledge of what they are made from and how they are made.

This module explains:

  • What is a ceramic
  • The unique features of ceramics
  • Materials involved in ceramics
  • Ceramic manufacturing processes
  • Ceramic product types.

The practical session will include:

  • A hands-on activity around the basic forming processes
  • Identifying different product types
  • A Lucideon tour led by the module tutors.

At the end of the module, you will be able to:

  • Understand how the materials and processes combine to give ceramics their unique characteristics
  • Understand the unique characteristics and applications for each type of ceramic product
  • Identify various types of ceramic materials, processes and products
  • Demonstrate a knowledge of the most suitable ceramic product for a specific application.

For more information on this course, please contact Caroline Mullington, Technology Partnership Manager on +44 (0)1782 764422 or

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