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Lucideon Doubles Orthopedic Wear Testing Capabilities

Lucideon has doubled its capacity for performing hip and knee wear testing in the US.  Lucideon has dedicated wear testing facilities in the UK and US, investing in the latest, state-of-the-art Prosim and AMTI simulators.  The new investment comes as a response to the high demand Lucideon has received for its expert wear testing services.

Wear testing is a crucial part of material and product design and development.  The simulators run for months on a full test cycle to simulate several years’ of activity in an average orthopedic implant recipient.  Lucideon supports its wear testing services with a full suite of state-of-the-art surface analysis to analyze the effects of wear testing and characterize material performance.

Gemma Budd, healthcare business leader at Lucideon, said:

“In the last couple of years we have invested heavily in developing our dedicated wear testing laboratories and service.  We’ve brought in lots of new equipment and also invested in the right people to not only perform testing, but to be able to analyze and interpret the data produced, providing real value for clients.

“With the high demand we’ve seen in that time it has become necessary to increase our capabilities, to make sure we can continue to deliver the same service we’re being asked for with competitive turnaround periods.  There’s a lot of work and expertise that goes into the whole process and given the end application it is important that manufacturers are producing the best products.  Our dedicated approach to helping clients understand their products and materials from the bottom up is important to those looking to compete and lead in the market.”

Lucideon provides materials development and consultancy to a wide range of sectors including healthcare.  Its materials experts perform detailed analysis on client samples to ensure performance, find the root cause of failures, and understand how materials interact in application.  The development work carried out by Lucideon helps clients stay ahead of design and development for their new, and existing products.

06 February, 2017

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