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Porous Metal Characterization

Porous metal coatings allow for better bone integration.  Lucideon has dedicated metallurgical engineers who specialize in the preparation, analysis and evaluation of metallic materials – from understanding the impact of a change in process to enabling you to visualize the structure you've formed.

We provide a unique metallurgical analysis service and solutions to help you develop the perfect porous structure for your purpose.

Design Stage

We can evaluate your current components and production methods and help you decide if they are appropriate and then decide which method is right for your applications.

Manufacturing Stage

  • How and where should you get parts made?
  • How should you handle the numerous and complex processing issues?
  • What powder sources should be used and what specification should you demand?
  • How should post-process components be cleaned?

Validation & Test Stage

  • What tests should be performed to validate parts and what does “good” look like?
  • Where should test specimens be placed on the build?
  • What existing standards can be applied and are they really relevant?
  • How to correlate test results to processing parameters?
  • How to assess the effects of post-processing treatments?

What To Do When Things Go Wrong?

We develop and implement appropriate test plans and evaluate results based on your requirements, including surface roughness testing, porosity analysis, defect analysis and particle shedding evaluation.

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  • White Paper

    Your Metal Component has Failed in Fatigue: What do you do next?
    pdf (1.05 MB)

  • White Paper

    Additive Manufacturing - A Metallurgical Perspective
    pdf (4.98 MB)

  • White Paper

    Surface Analysis ... Solving Problems in the PCB Industry
    pdf (1.22 MB)