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Formulation Development

Our formulation development service provides expert consultancy and third party research and development resources to help you produce new and improved formulations for your dental materials.

Due to the chemical and mechanical challenges faced by materials in the mouth, there are a wide variety of factors to consider when developing product formulations.  Lucideon has a wealth of expertise in materials science and analytical science, core knowledge that we apply to troubleshoot issues that occur during formulation development.

Common issues that we help to resolve include:

  • Instability - physical and chemical
  • Rheology and ‘feel’ issues
  • Optical issues – discoloration, separation.

Whether you are developing a new formulation or changing an existing one, our materials experts can help with development challenges.

Expand your R&D team

If you are looking to reformulate to meet regulatory requirements, improve product performance or develop new products, Lucideon provides expert support through formulation consultancy and contract research and development.  We operate as an extension of your in-house team, providing insight, materials expertise and a full suite of analytical capabilities to help overcome formulation challenges and deliver the results you want.

Our experts help you to:

  • Add functionality
  • Improve product performance and properties
  • Replace materials (to reduce costs or meet consumer/regulatory demands).

Improve manufacturing processes

The Lucideon Advanced Manufacturing & Process group supports manufacturers with developing and validating new processes, as well as improving existing ones.  Manufacturing processes can have a significant influence on the performance and cost of end products. Lucideon's experts consist of teams of experienced scientists, chemical engineers and materials experts who work closely together to help you understand how the key parameters affect your products.  Once the ideal parameter limits have been defined, we help to introduce control measures to ensure the quality of the product remains consistent.

Our team also consult on manufacturing processes to ensure they run as efficiently as possible, helping to reduce the time and costs involved in product manufacture.

More on replacing materials

The need to replace materials can be driven by regulatory and consumer demands, or might be required to improve the existing formulation.  Altering the materials in a formulation, even replacing one ingredient for another, can often cause unforeseen and unwanted results.  Lucideon's experts can help with this process and have the experience to introduce alternative materials into formulations while maintaining or even improving the product performance.

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