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Formulation Development & Consultancy


Looking to reformulate your product?

Our reformulation service helps you keep your required properties while giving you the added benefits of stability, optical and chemical performance. We will help to develop your new formulations and methods, and test them for efficacy and safety.

Improve Stability

  • Helping to Stabilize Your Products, from Formulation to Storage.

Formulation stability during development, manufacturing and storage is essential to drug product efficacy and safety. Whether you are looking to improve the stability of existing products or looking to incorporate it into new formulations, we can help.

Increase Loading

  • Increasing Efficacy and Minimizing Dosing Burden.

Many injectable and oral solid dosage forms can be restricted to very low drug concentrations per dose due to the nature of the compound. As a result, there is a risk of reduced efficacy as well as increased frequency of dosing. This can have a critical effect on patient compliance and consequently clinical outcomes.

Change Aesthetics

  • Help differentiate your products in a crowded market.

We help manufacturers find ways to improve the appearance of their products. Optical changes to pharmaceutical products can make them more appealing to consumers, giving your product the edge against the competition. Our reformulation service provides enhanced optical properties while maintaining the functional properties of your products.

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  • White Paper

    Protecting Products and Patients in Today's Prescription Drug Abuse Epidemic
    pdf (481 KB)

  • Article

    The Prescription Abuse Epidemic: Designing a Solution
    pdf (1.36 MB)

  • White Paper

    Abuse Deterrence for the Pharmaceutical Market
    pdf (1.94 MB)

  • Data Sheet

    • Pharmaceuticals Services Portfolio

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