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Static & Fatigue Testing

Dental materials need to withstand a lot, from microbial and chemical attack to mechanical wear.  At Lucideon we can simulate the environments of the mouth and the typical mechanical movements (and non-typical for specialist products) to determine how your products will perform in-situ.

If you are looking to:

  • Simulate and evaluate the static & fatigue loading performance of your new dental devices
  • Compare a new design with an existing one
  • Outsource your dental implant static & fatigue testing to accelerate new product developments and avoid in-house delays
  • Find a supplier that can provide a comprehensive service and the full suite of information you require for your regulatory submission
  • Visualize the areas of your device that take the main force of stresses and strains
  • Understand failure mechanisms.

Then we can help.

Static Testing

We perform static testing for your dental devices to simulate real world loading.  We gradually increase the loading on your devices and push them to failure to evaluate their fitness for purpose and that they meet regulatory requirements.

Fatigue Testing

Our fatigue testing service sees your dental implants put through a series of defined applied forces until failure.  These tests are designed to simulate repetitive forces that are likely to be applied to your device once implanted.  We test to regulatory standards and, when available standards aren't suitable, our expert team can develop standards designed specifically for your implants.

Using supporting analytical capabilities we track the stresses and strains on your devices so you can see the areas where failures begin.  With real time analysis we provide visuals of the failures in action, along with the supporting data and interpretation.  These advanced analyses help to inform future R&D as well as being used in regulatory support of your current devices.

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  • White Paper

    Design Optimization in Medical Devices: Materials Matter
    pdf (887 KB)