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Stability Storage Testing

Stability of pharmaceuticals in storage is extremely important for maintaining their functionality.  At Lucideon we test your products for storage in a range of humidity and temperature conditions.  We perform accelerated ageing to simulate how your products will perform over an extended period of time, so you get your results quickly and go to market with confidence.

Our stability storage walk-in chambers, controlled to ICH guidelines, are monitored 24/7, 365 days of the year and have built-in safeguards to give you peace of mind.  Additional stand-alone cabinets enable us to offer alternative parameters including refrigerated, frozen and client defined storage conditions.

Our stability storage and testing services offer:

  • Testing to cGMP
  • Testing for schedule I-V controlled drugs
  • Temperature and humidity testing
  • Testing for climatic zones I-IV
  • Analytical support capabilities e.g. testing for leachables.

The standard ICH conditions are:

  • 25°C/60%RH - Real time storage condition
  • 30°C/65%RH - Intermediate storage condition
  • 40°C/75%RH - Accelerated storage condition.

Our experienced staff aid with study design, planning and management of stability storage testing, including stability storage methods, retest intervals and shelf lives.

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