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Failure Investigations

Failures on-site, either during the construction phase or during its design life, of materials, structures or structural elements can have catastrophic and costly effects.

Our experts work with you to find the root cause of a failure to prevent it from reoccurring.

We will carry out an initial desk study to investigate the original specification as the fault may lie with a poor specification rather than a product failure.

If the failure is due to bad installation or workmanship, the investigations that we carry out will be more intrusive, with a site visit, on-site sampling and laboratory testing forming the basis of our work.

A common cause of failure is non-adherence to the specified materials where similar but cheaper alternative products are used during construction.  In this case, we will sample materials and benchmark them against the specified materials, using chemical analysis carried out in our laboratory.

In most cases our experts will make site visits to visually assess failures before developing work programs.  These can include sampling for material analysis at our laboratories, or employing on-site non-destructive or destructive testing techniques.  This information can be used to discover the cause of a material or structural failure and to develop a method to mitigate or correct it.

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  • White Paper

    The Use of Digital Image Correlation in Masonry Research
    pdf (3.58 MB)

  • Report

    Flood Resilient Construction
    pdf (358 KB)

  • Paper

    Energy Saving: The UK Approach to Insulating the Fabric of Existing Masonry Houses
    pdf (281 KB)

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    • Services Portfolio for Construction Consultancy Companies

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  • One of our Experts

    Dr. Geoff Edgell

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