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We provide testing and consultancy services throughout the concrete production process, from materials selection/characterization, in-situ use and failures, through to demolition and recycling at the end of its life. Click on a link below to find out more.


Services Include:

  • Analyzing the constituent materials that go into cements and concrete mixes to look for contaminants and to assess the appropriateness for use
  • Testing additives for conformance which enables the manufacturer to CE mark and test the adequacy of the finished product
  • Testing the physical characteristics of the finished component, i.e. bend, crush and tensile strengths and environmental conditions, e.g. air tightness, water tightness and durability
  • Testing load bearing structural panels to destruction
  • On-site testing of simulated wind loadings and vertical loading tests
  • Destructive and non-destructive testing of whole structures and components in-situ
  • Sample analysis for chemical attack
  • Forensically analyse concrete to establish likely failures as a result of contaminants, inadequate design or durability factors
  • Testing of concrete repair techniques and products to enable them to be CE marked or in-situ when applied to verify their performance.