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Conformance Testing and CE Marking of Concrete

We use conformance testing to determine whether a product or system complies with the requirements of recognized national and international standards, specifications, contracts or regulations.

Many construction products require third-party conformance testing in accordance with the Construction Products Regulations (CPR) which enables them to be CE marked in accordance with current legislation. This will often prescribe testing for both material and structural properties and require verification by a laboratory with Notified Body status. Lucideon has a wide range of UKAS accredited tests leading to an extensive Notified Body status for many concrete products.

When new products are developed they can fall outside of the scope of current standards; we can develop customized test programmes to enable the relevant properties to be characterized.

We carry out testing of the materials that comprise a concrete mix, including cement, aggregates and sands, as well as testing of precast components that go into infrastructure projects and buildings:

  • Testing of full building systems
  • Testing of concrete repair products and sealants
  • Testing in tension, compression, shear, bending and fatigue loading
  • Testing for durability, thermal performance, acoustic and air tightness.

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  • White Paper

    The Concreting Process and Petrographic Examination
    pdf (3.56 MB)

  • White Paper

    The Use of Digital Image Correlation in Masonry Research
    pdf (3.58 MB)

  • Guidance Document

    Construction Products: A Route To Market
    pdf (340 KB)

  • Guidance Document

    Test Specification for Precast Concrete Wall Panels for Use in Domestic Construction
    pdf (906 KB)

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