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Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs)

We test SIPs when used in load bearing wall, floor and roof applications, and when used as infill panels.

Testing can be carried out in our laboratories or the system can be proved onsite; we are able to design customized programs to evaluate the structural, thermal, acoustic and fire performance of individual panels and full systems.

With over 20 years’ experience of testing SIPs, we also provide consultancy during the design process. We assess the most critical test for a system and conduct that test first to enable us to advise on possible improvements before investing in the full test program.

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  • Guidance Document

    Test Specification for Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) in Load Bearing Wall Panels
    pdf (975 KB)

  • White Paper

    Digital Image Correlation for Construction
    pdf (903 KB)

  • Data Sheet

    • Construction Products Services Portfolio

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