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Testing and Characterization for the Aerospace & Defense Industries

With state-of-the-art laboratories and years of materials expertise, our testing and characterization services form the basis of much of Lucideon's activities. We go beyond the standard testing protocols and push the boundaries of what's possible. And we don’t just provide data, we provide solutions too.

Our experts use their cross-industry experience to work alongside clients, to help them to understand the bigger picture with regards their materials and products. We provide analysis, which in turn provides answers to the toughest of materials challenges; this is what differentiates us from other test houses.

Standardized testing procedures are extremely important in the aerospace and defense industries. Standards can also be used as a guideline for programs that differ slightly, or for a different application entirely. In these situations, you need experts that are knowledgeable not only in the test, but also the science to understand the limitations.

As a Development and Commercialization Organization (DCO), that specializes in materials technologies and processes, Lucideon has a comprehensive suite of testing capabilities, and works across a wide range of materials, including composites, ceramics, metals and polymers.

Our standard and customized testing services encompass:

  • Chemical
  • Physical
  • Microstructural
  • Mineralogical
  • High temperature
  • Surface analysis
  • Environmental.

Why Lucideon?

  • Comprehensive analytical capabilities - everything you need in one place
  • Extensive materials expertise
  • State-of-the-art analytical facilities
  • Quick turnaround
  • Accurate data
  • Analysis and support
  • ISO 17025
  • Nadcap

Think of us as an extension your own organization. Our application of cross-industry insight, materials science expertise and innovative thinking gives you the advantage to develop and implement disruptive technology platforms, providing cost and / or product performance benefits and enabling real market differentiation. Lucideon utilizes its thousands of man years of experience in development, analysis and assurance to deliver significant competitive advantage to its customers.

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    Solving Problems by Materials Analysis with an Electron Microprobe
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