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Materials Selection & Development for Aircraft OEMs

Lucideon utilizes the latest technology and innovative thinking to identify, develop and qualify novel material processing and formulations that give you a competitive edge. Whether you are being driven by market competitiveness, regulatory change or a product failure – we have the knowledge and equipment to identify the materials that will work best for your application.

Material Selection

The sheer magnitude of available materials can make selecting the correct one for your application a daunting task. Sticking with what you know or materials you have used in the past is risky and could mean missing out on that all important competitive advantage. Worse still, when materials fail or underperform, the results can be catastrophic leading to delays in production, market adoption or even fines from law suits and regulatory bodies. Lucideon's experts will walk you through their customized material selection process which includes access to extensive material property databases and sector specific materials consultants.

We can help you with:

  • Material replacement due to new REACH regulations
  • Identification of new materials to address product failure
  • Product benchmarking to support lightweighting initiatives.

Material Development

Lucideon has extensive experience designing and developing new ceramic, polymer, and metal materials to meet end user applications. If your application requires properties that are beyond those which are currently available, we can work collaboratively with your internal teams to identify a technology pathway and lay out a road map for implementation into your products.

We can help you with:

  • Technology and material assessment for Additive Manufacturing (AM) of polymer materials
  • Development and benchmarking of surface coatings
  • Expansion of existing materials through innovative processing, such as Flash Sintering.

Free Download

Our thought leadership article discusses the latest areas of technology that are changing the way we can analyse material properties and the techniques that can impact material selection processes.

» Utilizing Technology for Rational Material Selection

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  • Thought Leadership

    Utilizing Technology for Rational Materials Selection
    pdf (101 KB)

  • White Paper

    Lucideon's Guide to Composites
    pdf (575 KB)

  • White Paper

    The Growth of Ceramics in Aerospace and Defence
    pdf (409 KB)

  • White Paper

    Solving Problems by Materials Analysis with an Electron Microprobe
    pdf (2.62 MB)

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