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Cryogenic and High Temperature Mechanical Testing for the Space Industry

Cryogenic and high temperature mechanical testing is a key technique used to understand the behavior of materials and assess mechanical properties in real-life operating conditions.

The lack of extreme temperature engineering data, coupled with the demand for novel materials to increase applications, is driving the need for extreme temperature testing.

If you need more from your testing partner than a lab that only performs standard methods, or lacks the experience to validate custom methods and effectively analyse data to understand your materials, then talk to our experts.

Our cryogenic and high temperature mechanical testing expertise enables us to understand the challenges of simulating realistic loading conditions. The extreme temperatures and environments in which materials are designed to perform can reveal numerous issues when evaluating the properties. Our extensive experience, combined with our contemporary ISO 17025 and Nadcap compliant capabilities, means we are able to use customized and standard loading configurations to test materials.

What makes us different?

At Lucideon, we:

  • use our material science knowledge and experience to provide insights, not just numbers and test results
  • have been analysing the mechanical properties of materials for over 70 years through customized and standard test methods
  • help you to reduce resources by working together and acting as an extension of your team and capabilities, to develop test programs and resolve any problems.

We have a wide range of mechanical testing capabilities including:

Cryogenic (-196°C / -321°F to ambient)

  • Tensile
  • Low Cycle Fatigue (LCF) and High Cycle Fatigue (HCF)
  • Fracture toughness.

Elevated (ambient to 1,650°C / 3,002°F)

  • Tensile
  • LCF and HCF
  • Thermomechanical Fatigue (TMF)
  • Fracture toughness
  • Charpy impact
  • Bend testing
  • Compression
  • Creep
  • Flexural strength
  • Shear strength
  • Stress rupture
  • Poisson's Ratio.

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  • White Paper

    Solving Problems by Materials Analysis with an Electron Microprobe
    pdf (2.62 MB)

  • Data Sheet

    • Cryogenic and High Temperature Mechanical Testing

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  • Data Sheet

    • Space Services Portfolio

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