White Papers

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  • Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS)

    The EU Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) (2012/27/EU) which was adopted on 25 October 2012 consists of a series of measures which intend to put the EU back on track to meet its target to reduce primary energy consumption by 20% by 2020 (compared to business as usual). The EU directive is mandatory for all member states.
    One key deliverable (Article 8) of EED is for all non-SMEs to have undertaken a mandatory energy audit. In the UK, Article 8 will be satisfied by our Government's ESOS (Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme).
    This white paper discusses what the scheme is, who’s captured and the routes to compliance

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  • Emissions Verification in the Aviation Sector

    The European Union Emission Trading System (EU ETS) came into force in January 2005. It is the largest multi-country, multi-sector scheme of its kind in the world.
    The EU ETS will commence a cap-and-trade system for aviation CO2 emissions in 2010, with full trading beginning in 2012.
    The impetus for airlines to meet their obligations under EU ETS is twofold: there is the need to meet legal requirements, and also the potential to reduce the financial impact of the scheme. Further, there is a possible increase in revenue to be made from CO2 trading. Working with a reliable and accurate third-party verifier of emissions will play a critical role.
    This white paper examines the requirements put into place under the EU ETS and looks at methods of best practice for both airlines and verifiers in ensuring they are met.

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  • EU ETS: Risk Assessments and Procedures

    The document 'Directive 2003/87/EC – EC Monitoring and Reporting Guidelines', often referred to informally as 'the MRG', is the starting point for understanding what is required in order to comply with EU ETS requirements. However, at 85 pages long, it can be rather overwhelming in places to the non-expert!
    Section 10.1 to 10.3 of the MRG covers the control system that a company puts in place to ensure that it complies with EU ETS requirements.
    Companies have often found it difficult to understand exactly what they need to be doing in order to comply with these sections of the MRG; this article attempts to illustrate what is required. It applies to installations currently included under ‘phase 2’ of EU ETS, those that will be included in 'phase 3', and the aviation sector.

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  • Lucideon’s Guide to ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems

    With growing legislation and consequent enforcement by government agencies, and increasing public interest in and awareness of sustainability issues, the environment is at the top of the agenda for most companies. An EMS is a system that allows a business to manage its impact on the environment in a comprehensive and systematic manner.
    Having an Environmental Management System (EMS) not only shows your stakeholders that you are committed to the environment, it also provides important cost savings to the business.
    ISO 14001 is the national and international recognised standard for environmental management. The standard provides a framework and guidance on the management of the environmental aspects and risk of your businesses activities, allowing you to work to continually improve your processes to both reduce environmental impact and increase profitability.

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  • Using Environmental Product Declaration for Competitive Advantage

    Sustainability and environmental impacts have been high on the business agenda for many years and much progress has been made in improving the performance of organisations and operations "within the factory gate".
    Increasingly however attention is being turned to impacts across the full life cycle and supply chain of products. Much focus has also been given to impacts of greenhouse gas emissions through carbon footprinting but now other sustainability issues and the use of finite resources are becoming increasingly important.
    More information on the environmental performance of products is therefore being increasingly requested by decision-makers such as buyers in industry and architects and specifiers in construction as they seek to compare products for their sustainability credentials.

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  • What Makes a Good Auditor?

    Many organisations fail to ensure their businesses are subject to effective and rigorous auditing. Part of the explanation for this significant deficiency lies in the selection of the right people to become auditors, and ineffective training. In this guide, we discuss what makes a good auditor, and what makes a good course.

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  • Mandatory Carbon Reporting

    To some companies, Mandatory Carbon Reporting seems yet another hoop to jump through. Those companies that embrace the new regulations though are sure to find benefits in accuracy, credibility and brand reputation. As the government, companies and the environment witness the advantages of reporting emissions data, it can only be a matter of time before the regulations are extended to other companies.
    This white paper looks at which companies need to report, how to comply, timescales, the advantages of Mandatory Carbon Reporting (MCR) and the benefits of getting third party verification.

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  • Lucideon’s Quick Guide to ISO 50001, the New Energy Management System Standard

    Energy is high up on everyone's agenda at the moment; from governments worldwide who are keen to support energy efficiency drives through both legislation and voluntary schemes to organisations of all shapes and sizes, and in all sectors, who, due to rising energy costs are keen to manage and reduce their energy consumption.
    In order to facilitate this energy management drive, a new ISO standard has been developed – ISO 50001 Energy Management Systems (EnMS) standard.

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