Lucideon Becomes a CDP Accredited Provider

Lucideon is pleased to announce that it has become a silver verification partner of CDP, providing third-party verification of emissions data submitted to the scheme.

CDP is a not-for-profit organization that runs the only global disclosure system for companies, cities, states and regions to manage their environmental impacts and for investors or purchasers to access environmental information for use in financial decisions.

CDP uses a scoring methodology to incentivize companies to measure and manage environmental impacts.  Having emissions independently verified, or even being in the process of verification, can improve a submitter’s score.

With over thirty years’ experience and as the leading provider of EU ETS verification, Lucideon verifies data to international standards.

Shaun Bainbridge, director at Lucideon, said:

“We are looking forward to working with CDP to encourage high quality disclosure of climate change related data. 

“Independent verification and CDP go hand in hand; they both encourage disclosure of accurate and credible data which, in turn, has a positive impact on stakeholders and investors.  Knowing that your data is accurate is also the basis for setting new strategic and environmental objectives.

“We would encourage any organization that is committed to reducing its environmental impact to submit to CDP.’

Paul Robins, Head of Partnerships at CDP, said:

“Independent, third-party verification of climate data is of vital importance to investors and other users of CDP data. Verified data ensures stakeholders can trust the data, and we’re delighted to be working with Lucideon as a silver verification partner in the UK and US for 2017.”

CDP Accredited Provider 2017

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