Lucideon Provides Independent Assurance of William Grant and Sons’ Sustainability Data

The Challenge

William Grant and Sons is at the forefront of sustainable whisky production with processes designed to create minimal environmental impact. As part of this strategy The Girvan Distillery uses process by-products to produce biogas. This biogas is then used as a fuel to produce renewable energy in the form of electricity and heat.

Under new regulations generating stations like these, that use bioliquids, biomass or biogas, are required to submit an annual sustainability audit report in order to receive Renewable Obligation Certificates (ROCs).

The Renewable Obligation Order stipulates that the sustainability audit must be completed by an independent body and be carried out under the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB)’s ISAE 3000 standard guidelines. Only when a satisfactory independent audit report is submitted can ROCs be released to the organisation.

What we delivered

Lucideon is the UK’s foremost independent auditor of GHG emissions and sustainability data. Using skilled auditors who understand electricity generation and biogas, a site visit to The Girvan Distillery was undertaken to verify traceability and accuracy of data associated with production of biogas to produce electricity.

As part of the ISAE 3000 audit requirements Lucideon:
- considered whether the systems used to produce the relevant sustainability data were accurate and reliable
- considered the frequency and methodology of any sampling undertaken whilst preparing the relevant sustainability information
- verified the robustness of the sustainability data

William Grant and Sons produced an independent report prior to the 30 June deadline. This was then submitted to OFGEM, the body that runs the Renewables Obligation order scheme and subsequently approved by them.

Value to the client

By having their sustainability report independently verified by Lucideon, William Grant and Sons has been able to add credibility to their environmental statements, policies and data. This provides stakeholders, investors and customers with confidence and reinforces the company’s strong corporate responsibility commitment to reducing their environmental impact.

Shaun Bainbridge of Lucideon, said: “Renewable Obligation Certificates are an important income for many sites using renewables and it is important that the verification of data is done promptly and accurately to avoid any delays in processing the payments.”

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