Lucideon Certifies LKAB Minerals’ Environmental Management System to ISO 14001

LKAB Minerals Ltd is internationally active in the industrial minerals market, with a leading position in a number of product applications. Engineering minerals for functionality and usability, with a focus on sustainability, LKAB Minerals serves customers worldwide via a network of companies across Europe, the USA and Asia.

The Challenge

Lucideon (formally known as CICS) was asked to certify the Environmental Management System (EMS) of LKAB Minerals Ltd’s Flixborough and Bagmoor Lane sites, in connection with the processing, procurement and supply of mineral products, to ISO 14001.

What We Delivered

Following a pre-assessment to identify initial non-conformities, assessment observations and opportunities for improvement, a stage 1 initial assessment was carried out to verify the existence of a suitable documented management system and supporting documents to comply with ISO 14001:2004 and to achieve the organization’s policy objectives.

The certification, from pre-assessment to final assessment, involved several site visits over a number of years; during this period the company focused on significant areas, implementing actions in order to finally achieve certification of the Flixborough and Bagmoor Lane sites.

LKAB Minerals plans to add further sites to the certification later this year.

Value to the Client

The EMS Implementation has enabled LKAB Minerals to have more confidence in areas of compliance and areas where work is required. As ISO 14001 is very much focused on delivery of day to day controls to ensure that the environment is managed at all levels of the business, all employees have had to have awareness of and commitment to the system. As well as the EMS providing important cost savings to the business, internationally recognised standards, such as ISO 14001, demonstrate a commitment to the environment, an important factor for stakeholders and clients who are increasingly interested in a company’s sustainability initiatives.

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