Trade Associations

Many industries, and especially those involved with energy intensive processes, are part of trade associations and it is often these organizations that work on legislation with the regulators and negotiate on policy.

Lucideon verifiers have worked with trade associations from many different industries, from aerospace and automotive to construction, food and metals.

Lucideon offers the following expertise for the trade association sector:

  • Sampling methodologies – to cover sites of varying complexity, fuel mix, product mix, risk.
  • Geographic distribution of verifiers to reduce the travel costs (and carbon footprint) when verifying multiple sites within a group.
  • Central data verification to ensure efficiency, consistency and accuracy
  • For some regulated schemes - mainly for energy intensive industries - Lucideon works to perform verification on a sampled basis which provides a robust verification at reduced individual cost for the installation.

Lucideon’s relationships with both the trade association head office and the people on the ground at site have made for a winning combination in this particular type of verification.

We work with trade associations throughout the following industries:

  • Aerospace
  • Automotive
  • Building products
  • Electronics
  • Dairy
  • Food
  • Glass
  • Metals

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