Shaun Bainbridge

Expertise in: Sustainability Assurance, Carbon Footprinting, EU Emissions Trading Scheme, DEFRA Mandatory Carbon Reporting

Director of Lucideon CICS Limited

Shaun is a chemist by training and holds a First-Class Honours Degree in Chemistry from Lancaster University. He is a Chartered Chemist, Chartered Scientist and a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry. He also holds a certificate and a diploma in company direction from the Institute of Directors (IOD).

An established auditor and lead verifier with an excellent working knowledge of both regulated and voluntary Greenhouse Gas (GHG) schemes, Shaun now manages the commercial business of Lucideon CICS and is often the first point of contact for many clients, especially those in the new emerging markets.

Shaun sits on several committees and working groups relating to Greenhouse Gas verification and consultancy including the governmental advisory Emissions Trading Group (ETG), the Brussels-based EU verification forum and ICAP (International Carbon Action Plan). Shaun is also a regular contributor at the Green Monday events for sustainability corporate leaders. 

Shaun has authored many papers on verification topics for publications including Aviation and The Environment, Trading Carbon and Routes News. He regularly delivers webinars and seminars on sustainability assurance and carbon reporting.

Regulated Market - EU Emissions Trading Scheme, CRCEES and Mandatory Carbon Reporting

Shaun plays a key role in servicing Lucideon CICS' large client base under these mandatory reporting schemes. He has an excellent working knowledge of the scope and detail of the schemes and their application at the organization level including the pragmatic application of verification and assurance.

For EU ETS, specific knowledge includes areas such as Aviation Verification, New Entrant Reserve, Rationalization and Closure Verifications. Shaun has undergone training by IATA (International Air Transport Association) for aviation verification.

For MCR and CRCEES Shaun is working closely with organizations in the public, industrial and corporate sectors.

North America

Shaun has worked extensively in North America and was instrumental in the establishment of Lucideon's office in Houston, Texas and more recently, the new office in Raleigh, North Carolina. These service centres support Lucideon's growing client base in North and Central America. Lucideon provide independent verification under the CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) for many companies and organizations in North America. Shaun has personally acted as lead auditor for many of these engagements including Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.

Global Voluntary Market

The market for voluntary sustainability assurance and carbon footprint measurement and verification is growing quickly and Shaun has worked with Lucideon clients using all the major reporting methodologies worldwide (ISO14064, GRI, WRI/WBCSD GHG Protocol, Carbon Disclosure Project, Mandatory Carbon Reporting and BEIS’s SECR (Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting).

Shaun sees the independent assurance of clients' sustainability data as the 'step change' in reporting.